Source code for data_migrator.anonymizors.lists

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import random

from data_migrator.anonymizors.base import BaseAnonymizor
from data_migrator.utils.compat import choices as _choices

[docs]class ChoiceAnonymizor(BaseAnonymizor): '''ChoiceAnonymizor returns some choices with optional probabilities >>> ChoiceAnonymizor(['M', 'F', None], weights=[0.3, 0.3, 0.4])() 'M' Attributes: choices (list): list of choices to select from weights (list): optional list of weights ''' def __init__(self, choices, weights=None): self.choices = choices self.weights = weights def __call__(self, v): return _choices(self.choices, self.weights)[0]
class Alpha3Anonymizor(BaseAnonymizor): '''Alpha3Anonymizor returns a Country code in alpha3 >>> Alpha3Anonymizor()() 'NLD' ''' def __init__(self): self.choices = ['NLD', 'DEU', 'USA', 'BRA'] def __call__(self, v): return random.choice(self.choices)