Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import csv
import sys

from data_migrator.exceptions import DefinitionException
from data_migrator.exceptions import NonUniqueDataException
from data_migrator.utils import isstr

[docs]def read_map_from_csv(key=0, value=1, f=None, delimiter="\t", header=True, as_list=False, first=True, unique=False): '''Generates a map from a csv and adds some validation and list parsing. A function that returns a map for MappingField to use as input in its MappingField.data_map. >>> from import read_map_from_csv >>> table_map = read_map_from_csv(f=open('table.csv'), delimiter=';', key='id', value='name') >>> len(table_map) 10 Note that by default it is expected to have headers in the csv. Args: f: Filehandle to read the csv from into the map delimiter: Option to select another delimiter, other than `\\\\t` key: Name or position of the Key, if ``header`` is false, the ordinal position is expected (default first) value: Name or position of the Value, if ``header`` is false, the ordinal position is expected (default second) as_list (boolean): If ``True``, *data-migrator* will treat add all values for ``key`` as a list. Default is ``False``. first (boolean): If ``True``, *data-migrator* will keep first if non unique values for ``key``. Default is ``True``. unique (boolean): If ``True``, *data-migrator* will treat add all non unique values for ``key`` as a violation and raise a :exc:`~.NonUniqueDataException`. Default is ``False``. header (boolean): If ``True``, *data-migrator* will treat row as a header column. Default is ``True`` Returns: map: a key, value map from the csv Raises: :exc:`~.DefinitionException`: if key, value does not match or as_list not set. :exc:`~.NonUniqueDataException`: if data is not unique on the key. ''' data_map = {} if not f: f = sys.stdin r = csv.reader(f, delimiter=delimiter) if header: h = next(r, None) try: if isstr(key): ki = h.index(key) elif not header: ki = key else: raise DefinitionException('key=%s - should be string' % key) if isstr(value): vi = h.index(value) elif not header: vi = value else: raise DefinitionException("value=%s - should be string" % value) except ValueError as err: raise DefinitionException(err) i = 0 for l in r: i += 1 v = [l[vi]] if as_list else l[vi] if l[ki] in data_map: if unique: raise NonUniqueDataException( 'line %d - unique constraint failed: %s' % (i, l[ki])) elif as_list: data_map[l[ki]] += v elif not first: data_map[l[ki]] = v else: data_map[l[ki]] = v if f != sys.stdin: f.close() return data_map
[docs]def read_model_from_csv(model, f=None, delimiter="\t", header=True): '''Reads a model from a csv. >>> from import read_model_from_csv >>> read_map_from_csv(model=model.TestModel, f=open('table.csv'), delimiter=';'), >>> len(model.TestModel) 10 Note that by default it is expected to have headers in the csv. Args: model: reference to Model to read f: Filehandle to read the csv from into the map delimiter: Option to select another delimiter, other than `\\\\t` header (boolean): If ``True``, *data-migrator* will treat row as a header column. Default is ``True`` Returns: None, but Model.objects will contain the read records ''' if not f: f = sys.stdin r = csv.reader(f, delimiter=delimiter) if header: next(r, None) for row in r: model.objects.scan_row(row=row)