Contrib reference

Commonly used helper functions, to support in the setup of specific transformations

read_map_from_csv, value=1, f=None, delimiter='\t', header=True, as_list=False, unique=False)

Generates a map from a csv and adds some validation and list parsing. A function that returns a map for MappingField to use as input in its MappingField.data_map.

>>> from import read_map_from_csv
>>> table_map = read_map_from_csv(f=open('table.csv'), delimiter=';', key='id', value='name')
>>> len(table_map)

Note that by default it is expected to have headers in the csv.

  • f – Filehandle to read the csv from into the map
  • delimiter – Option to select another delimiter, other than \t
  • key – Name or position of the Key, if header is false, the ordinal position is expected (default first)
  • value – Name or position of the Value, if header is false, the ordinal position is expected (default second)
  • as_list (boolean) – If True, data-migrator will treat add all values for key as a list. Default is False.
  • unique (boolean) – If True, data-migrator will treat add all non unique values for key as a violation and raise a DataException. Default is False.
  • header (boolean) – If True, data-migrator will treat row as a header column. Default is True

a key, value map from the csv

Return type:





Cleans phone numbers to dutch clean format

clean_phone clean phone numbers, replaces all characters and spaces adds dutch country code (+31) if no country code is provide

>>> [clean_phone(x) for x in ['00 31 6 - 20 20 20 20','06 20 20 20 20','020 -123 345 6','+440.203.020.23','+440a203a020a23']
Parameters:v (str) – value to clean
Returns:cleaned phone number
Return type:str



Cleans a dutch zipcode

>>> [clean_zip_code(x) for x in ['1234 aa', '1234AB', '1234   Ba']]
['1234AA', '1234AB', '1234BA']
Parameters:v (str) – zipcode to clean
Returns:cleaned zip code
Return type:str