
See the previous tutorial.

With the ongoing improving focus on privacy and GDPR becoming enforceable, more emphasis will be put on anonymization of data. For this data-migrator is also quite useful.

Independent Field Anonymization

Anonymization is just a simple as adding a definition to a field:

from data_migrator import models
from data_migrator.anonymizors import SimpleStringAnonymizor

class Result(models.Model):
  id = models.IntField(pos=0) # keep id
  a  = models.StringField(pos=1, anonymize=SimpleStringAnonymizor)
  b  = models.StringField(pos=2, nullable=None)

It does not get more complex than this, the string is replaced by a garbled string with the same length

Option Anonymization

Lets now assume you have some field that denotes gender and you want to garble it too, but also want to be true to some distribution.

from data_migrator import models
from data_migrator.anonymizors import ChoiceAnonymizor

class Result(models.Model):
  id = models.IntField(pos=0) # keep id
  gender = models.StringField(pos=1, anonymize=ChoiceAnonymizor(['M','F',None], weights=[0.2,0.5,0.3]))
  b  = models.StringField(pos=2, nullable=None)

Now the field wil be filled with a random choice according to a specific distribution.

For more details see the data_migrator.anonymizors